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Take That Story
Gary Barlow
Mark Owen
Howard Donald
Jason Orange

Lying here beside you, in a cloud of warmth
I've been awake all night but move
Though I know I should
Counting curls n your hair, as you sleep so tight
I wonder if you'll ever know 'till I go
The chances are you'll be there too some day
We'll never know, let's hope

Never wanna let you go
Never wanna let you go
All I can do is hope
'Cause I never wanna let me go

Dreaming soft in silence, been working hard all day
Still in the night grows darker, I'm with you in every way


I don't know whether I'm trying to love, love you baby
Been round long enough to know

Kiemelt események

RW Better man életrajzi film UK premier 2024.12.26

(utolsó módosítás: 2024.09.02)

Kiadott albumok

Take That & Party
Everthing Changes
Nobody Else
Beautiful World
The Circus
III. [Deluxe Edition]
This Life


Greatest Hits
The Ultimate Collection


Take That Presents The Circus Live
Progress Live