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Take That Story
Gary Barlow
Mark Owen
Howard Donald
Jason Orange

I'm tired of closing my eyes, to picture you in my mind
It feels so cold to be alone
Not sure where I want to be, so close to finding my dream
We need to hold on to all the times we spoke of love
Now I pray to God above that someday I can find the door
I'm looking for

I can make it, I know I can
I can save this love forever
I can make I know I can
We can make this work together

It's not a lonely men's dream,it's just that now that there's been
A taste of love in my life
That I refuse to return, I've got so much to learn
How can it feels as though I've reached the top of this steep hill
For a moment I was standing still
Now I have the faith I've needed to believe

'Cause you knop what this love means to me
You know how it feels when I can see it in your face
That you're missing me now, you feel I've let you down
You've gotta hold on, you've gota reach out and believe

I can make this world a place for me and you
We can make it, we can make it together

Kiemelt események

RW Better man életrajzi film UK premier 2024.12.26

(utolsó módosítás: 2024.09.02)

Kiadott albumok

Take That & Party
Everthing Changes
Nobody Else
Beautiful World
The Circus
III. [Deluxe Edition]
This Life


Greatest Hits
The Ultimate Collection


Take That Presents The Circus Live
Progress Live