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Take That Story
Gary Barlow
Mark Owen
Howard Donald
Jason Orange
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Nem vicc, a kritikusok is csak hüledeztek a Better Man premierjén. Állítólag maga az énekes találta ki, hogy így legyen.

Szeptember 2-án a Telluride Fesztiválon volt a Better Man című életrajzi film premierje, amely Robbie Williams karrierjét mutatja be a Take That nevű fiúbandával való berobbanásától egészen a szólókarrierje csúcsáig.

Tovább a cikkre: 2024.09.04

From the director of The Greatest Showman, Robbie's new biopic is very different to the usual music movie. Critics at Telluride are split on whether it works.

Tovább a cikkre: Yahoo 2024.09.02

Louis Theroux will delve into the boy band groups of the 1990s and 2000s in a new BBC documentary.

The documentarian, 54, will executively produce Boybands Forever for BBC Two with his wife Nancy Strang and through his company Mindhouse Productions.

Tovább a cikkre: 2024.08.29

Better Man, the biopic based on the life and career of Robbie Williams, has finally landed its release date.

The film, which is being directed by The Greatest Showman's Michael Gracey, sees the singer play himself as his career is told with a "fantastical" approach, tracing his roots all the way through his time with boyband Take That as well as his own successful solo career.

Tovább a cikkre: Digital Spy 2024.08.27

Multi-millionaire, Robbie Williams, pulled out all the stops for his daughter Coco's sixth birthday, which was held on an enormous yacht, packed with presents.

Robbie Williams' daughter, Coco, was given the VIP treatment for her sixth birthday.

Tovább a cikkre: Mirror 2024.08.25

Egy sor új produkciót jelentett be a Netflix az éppen zajló Edinburgh TV Festivalon, több, sztárokkal tűzdelt dokumentumsorozattal is készülnek, de Anya Taylor-Joyt is újra sorozatszerepbe állítják – írja a Hollywood Reporter.

Tovább a cikkre: 2024.08.21

They might not be back for good but the members of Take That are set to reunite for a very special reason.

The iconic boy band originally made up of Gary Barlow, Robbie Williams, Howard Donald, Mark Owen and Jason Orange, won hearts all around the world with their good looks and pop hits in the 90s.

Tovább a cikkre: NZ Herald 2024.08.20

Az énekes és felesége a legnagyobb titokban mondták ki egymásnak ismét a boldogító igent. Robbie Williams és Ayda 14 év után újították meg fogadalmukat.

Tovább a cikkre: Life 2024.08.16

Robbie Williams has taken to Instagram to 'sneakily' reveal that he and his wife Ayda Field have renewed their vows, 14 years after they initially tied the knot in LA.

Tovább a cikkre: Head Topics 2024.08.15

They were global superstars in their '90s heyday but while Robbie Williams went onto became a superstar soloist and the other band members of Take That remained in the limelight, Jason Orange turned his back on fame.

Tovább a cikkre: Mirror 2024.07.15

Kiemelt események

RW Better man életrajzi film UK premier 2024.12.26

(utolsó módosítás: 2024.09.02)

Kiadott albumok

Take That & Party
Everthing Changes
Nobody Else
Beautiful World
The Circus
III. [Deluxe Edition]
This Life


Greatest Hits
The Ultimate Collection


Take That Presents The Circus Live
Progress Live