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Take That Story
Gary Barlow
Mark Owen
Howard Donald
Jason Orange

You came to me, baby
And I though that I saw love in your eyes
But all the promises you made were not to be
I should have seen through your disguise

Ohh no baby you know you always tried
Make me look the fool, what's goin' on
You used to be so good to me now what is wrong

Tell me why you wanna hurt me
Is this the way that love has got to be
Now baby I can't take it
If this is love then love's not meant for me

What has happened to you lately
I don't sense that lovin', feelin' anymore
Everytime you bring me down I wanna cry
Do you wanna see me walkin' out that door

Tell me why you wanna hurt me
Is this the way that love has got to be
Now baby I can't take it
If this is love then love's not meant for me

Ohhh no baby you know you're always trying
To make me look the fool
Won't you tell me why you hurt me
Is this the love has got to be
No baby, I can't take it
If this is love then love's not meant for me

Tell me why you wanna hurt me
Is this the way that love has got to be
Now baby I can't take it
If this is love then love's not meant for me

Kiemelt események

RW Better man életrajzi film UK premier 2024.12.26

(utolsó módosítás: 2024.09.02)

Kiadott albumok

Take That & Party
Everthing Changes
Nobody Else
Beautiful World
The Circus
III. [Deluxe Edition]
This Life


Greatest Hits
The Ultimate Collection


Take That Presents The Circus Live
Progress Live