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Take That Story
Gary Barlow
Mark Owen
Howard Donald
Jason Orange

Girl, come on over here
Let me hold you for a little while
And remember I'll always love you
Everything changes but you

We've said goodbye, the taxi cab is waiting
Now don't you cry, just one more kiss
Before I have to go
Hey girl I know the situation changed
And so much is new but something in my life
Remains the same cos

Everything changes but you
We're a thousand miles apart
But you know I love you
Everything changes but you
You know everyhting single day
I'll be thinking about you

The rumors true, you know that there've been others
What can I do, I tell you baby they don't mean a thing
Now girl don't go and throw our love away
I'll be home soon back in your arms to hear you say that

Eveything changes but you
We're a thousand miles apart
But you know I love you
Everything changes but you
You know everyhting single day
I'll be thinking about you

Everything changes but you
We're a thousand miles apart
But I still love you
Everything changes but you
I'll spend everyhting single day
Thinking about you

Though everything changes around us
(Baby don't U cry)
We will be the same as before more

Everything changes but you
We're a thousand miles apart
And I still miss you baby
Everything changes but you
You know everyhting single day
I'll be thinking about you

Everything changes but you
I'll be thinking about you,
Thinking about you
Everything changes but you
Cos you know I love you
Know that I love you

Everything changes but you
I'll be thinkin' about you,
Thinking about you
Everything changes but you
I love you, I love you

Kiemelt események

RW Better man életrajzi film UK premier 2024.12.26

(utolsó módosítás: 2024.09.02)

Kiadott albumok

Take That & Party
Everthing Changes
Nobody Else
Beautiful World
The Circus
III. [Deluxe Edition]
This Life


Greatest Hits
The Ultimate Collection


Take That Presents The Circus Live
Progress Live