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A könnyebb átláthatóság végett az itt megjelent aktuális külföldi és/vagy magyar hírekből csak 1 változat kerül fel a sajtóorgánum forrásának megjelölésével!



Take That Story
Gary Barlow
Mark Owen
Howard Donald
Jason Orange

It's good to be near you, even though I'm alone
Reviving memories of our happy home
No sign of sunlight since you ran away
These rooms get darker now every day

Even though I have broken
Even though I have broken your heart
Will you still love me?
Will you still love me?

The consequences of freedom
But now you have what you dreamed
Just understand that things are not as they seem

Even though I have broken
Even though I have broken your heart
Will you still love me?
Will you still love me?

I don't wanna be lonely
Because you're not there for me to be
I don't wanna be lonely
I wanna be loved

Even though I have broken
Even though I have broken your heart
Will you still love me?
Will you still love me?

Kiemelt események

RW Better man életrajzi film UK premier 2024.12.26

(utolsó módosítás: 2024.09.02)

Kiadott albumok

Take That & Party
Everthing Changes
Nobody Else
Beautiful World
The Circus
III. [Deluxe Edition]
This Life


Greatest Hits
The Ultimate Collection


Take That Presents The Circus Live
Progress Live